2 Player Rock Paper Scissors Game
- In this Python tutorial, we will learn how to create rock paper scissors two player scissor game in Python. So, at first we will define the moves about the rock, paper and scissors and then take a random module to take input as a second player and for the first player, we will define the conditions.
- Rock Paper Scissor - RPS 25 Description: This is a truly cool and awesome variant of the classic rock-paper-scissors game where you get to choose from 25 different gestures with 300 possible cool outcomes. Just choose how many hand gestures you wanna have on the intro screen. Enjoy and have fun!
What it does:
A fairly simple Rock – Paper – Scissors game which will allow two players to play with each other. Follows the basic rules of the game where:
- Rock defeats (breaks) Scissors.
- Scissors defeats (cuts) Paper.
- Paper defeats (covers) Rock.
Rock Paper Scissors 2 Player Game C++
When both users have entered their choice it will then decided based on the rules above who is the winner or if it is a tie. At the end of the game the users have the option where they would like to play again or quit. If they choose to quit they will be given an overview of the results which are carried on in every game played.
Make a two-player Rock-Paper-Scissors game. (Hint: Ask for player plays (using input), compare them, print out a message of congratulations to the winner, and ask if the players want to start a new game).
Two-player Rock-paper-scissors Game
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