Magicjack Plus Software For Mac

Despite what their website, and their customer support say, MagicJack does work DIRECTLY on a mac, without having to 1st update it on a PC, AS LONG AS you connect it first and register it on an Intel Mac running 10.4.xx, but NOT 10.5.xx. I just did this myself earlier today, and it works perfectly. Your Magic Jack and Magic Jack Plus phone service information resource. Mac Intel MJ Software Update: WORKS!!!!! 2: kerriskandiesinc: 7888: Tue Apr 14, 2009 9:25 pm. Free sony vaio recovery download.

  1. Magicjack Plus Software For Macbook
  2. Magicjack Software For Mac
  3. Magicjack Plus Software For Mac Download
So after a few years of inactivity I realized that I still had this blog up, and after reading my posts I thought it would be nice to put some perspective on things.
First off, magicJack is still in business, and they've improved their product. Looks like you don't even need a computer anymore to make calls. So the first thing I should stress is that Magicjack Plus Software For Macthese posts are very old now and surely don't reflect the current product and its software.

I suppose if someone sent or lent me a version of the new device (magicJack PLUS) I'd probably revisit it again on the Mac. But to be honest, a little device called the iPhone sort of took me out of the market.

Magicjack Plus Software For Macbook

I still have my land line through AT&T, but mainly just for emergencies and to keep our home phone number for incoming calls.Plus
The closest thing I have to magicJack is using Google Voice, in which I just plug in a USB headset and dial via a browser plug-in. Great call quality (despite the occasional dropout), plus it's free, so it's a no-brainer for me. Saves me cell minutes when I'm on the Mac, and they gave me a local phone number.

Magicjack Software For Mac

For those who have read this blog, and were more informed as a consumer as a result, thanks for stopping by!So after a few years of inactivity I realized that I still had this blog up, and after reading my posts I thought it would be nice to put some perspective on things.
First off, magicJack is still in business, and they've improved their product. Looks like you don't even need a computer anymore to make calls. So the first thing I should stress is that these posts are very old now and surely don't reflect the current product and its software.
I suppose if someone sent or lent me a version of the new device (magicJack PLUS) I'd probably revisit it again on the Mac. But to be honest, a little device called the iPhone sort of took me out of the market.

Magicjack Plus Software For Mac Download

I still have my land line through AT&T, but mainly just for emergencies and to keep our home phone number for incoming calls.
The closest thing I have to magicJack is using Google Voice, in which I just plug in a USB headset and dial via a browser plug-in. Great call quality (despite the occasional dropout), plus it's free, so it's a no-brainer for me. Saves me cell minutes when I'm on the Mac, and they gave me a local phone number.
For those who have read this blog, and were more informed as a consumer as a result, thanks for stopping by!