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- Torah Bible Code Free Download
Download this free icon in SVG, PSD, PNG, EPS format or as webfonts. Flaticon, the largest database of free vector icons. Torah free download - Torah Live - Torah Videos, Torah Audio, Torah Class, and many more programs. Download The Bible Code for free. Searching skip code ciphers in Torah and other texts. Searching skip code ciphers in Torah and other texts. We have written this using the open source code of Tom Van Flandern and corrected by Raymond Gardener from the algorithms of Jean Meeus. Download the Equinox & Solstice Calculator (2,314 kB). Just double click Esc.exe. Bible Code Oracle (4311B2EACBFEA8071DE5EB.exe) free download, latest version 1.91, Bible Code Oracle is a program for searching words and phrases in the Hebrew text of the Torah (Old Testament). You can search any term like your own name or those of your loved ones. Torah software, free downloads and reviews at WinSite. Bible Code Oracle v.1.91 Bible Code Oracle is the first and only easy-to-use bible code and torah code.
How is it possible that a book written over 3,300 years ago contain events and people that are as current as a daily newspaper?
What are the Torah Bible Codes?
Torah Codes constitute one of the dimensions of the hidden light of Judaism. The teachings of Judaism come from the written tradition and the oral tradition, on Mount Sinai over 3300 years ago. The written tradition is the Torah consisting of the five books of Moses: Genesis, Exodus, Leviticus, Numbers, and Deuteronomy, all written in the language of biblical Hebrew.
The open part of the oral tradition was written down not quite 2000 years ago and is found in the Talmud, written in the language of Aramaic. The less open part, the hidden light, is carried by both an oral tradition and written tradition called the Kabbalah. One of the dimensions of Kabbalah is Torah Codes.
Who is behind the codes? Where do they come from and what do the all mean? This site provides the evidence you now decide what it all means to you.
Reactions to the codes
Torah Codes software, free download
The codes appear to work against all basic intuition which is why many people initially find them hard to accept.
'Too good to be true – must be a trick – look for the math’s errors to discount them'
are amongst the most common reactions.
IGNORE your own initial prejudices and look at the evidence, read the tables.
Every world event that has occurred has been found with all relevant times, dates, places and names of people 100% of the time with 100% total accuracy.
The individual's acceptance of the codes often means a fundamental re-evaluation of beliefs, attitudes and life style, which another reason why people often find them challenging.
Predicting the future and codes
The codes should not be used for predictions ( see False Drosnin Predictions ). We have free will and therefore circumstances can change. Also on a practical level we do not know all the descriptive terms until after an event so it's simply impossible to look for them!
So you may find a table for A and think A is going to occur but in fact what is encoded is the opposite of A. But the predictor did not think about looking for not A and only found part of the table. For more information, click here.
What came first, world events and then verification of them in the codes or the Torah and world events?
The bible is clearly shown here as a living book that contains ALL world events.They are to be used as total and certain verification of past and current events.
Plain & simple - the Facts
- Accuracy of events - Every table that has been verified has accurate information contained within it that included the times, dates, places and people all connected to the specific event. There is no ambiguity.
- Secondary level - Very often the Section in which the table appears within the Torah / Bible has significance or high relevance to be subject matter.
- World Events - All the worlds history is contained within the Bible including art, politics, sport, religion and science events. Every world occurrence is contained meaningfully and according to strict scientific criteria as set out in the scientific part of the site.
- It is totally unique - No other book in the world is able to bring out all the world events in a meaningful scientific manner. It's impossible.
The Messiah will reveal himself in a time called the end of days. He will be a human being born in normal fashion of ordinary parents. His father will be a descendant of King David. He will be a very righteous person and embody the highest standard of morality. He will spread faith in God. The spirit of God will rest on him from the time he will be revealed. He will miraculously battle the forces of evil and idolatry and succeed in destroying both. He will move into a position of being king of the entire world, accepted by both Jew and non-Jew alike. He will be the chief arbiter of justice to ascertain truth and falsehood. He will have a keen ability to advise a person how to rectify and improve his/her life. He will spread the knowledge of Torah on a much deeper level than can be grasped today. He will usher in a period of tranquility, peace, love, awe, and knowledge of God for all mankind.
The first scriptural reference to the Messiah is in Genesis just before Jacob is to die. He calls together all his 12 sons to tell them what will befall them at the end of days. Jacob says to Judah, (Genesis 49:10)
The scepter shall not depart from Judah | לא יסור שבט מיהודה |
Nor a law inscribing style from between his feet | ומחקק מבין רגליוM |
Once Shilo arrives | עד כי יבא שילה |
And to him will be the obedience of nations. | לו יקהת עמים |
This verse first tells us that kingship over Israel will come from the tribe of Judah. This began with King David who was the first king from the tribe of Judah. Second, the authority whose responsibility is the keeping of the Divine Law will be from the tribe of Judah. Shilo is a name for the Messiah. Once the Messiah arrives, Kings over Israel will forever be from the tribe of Judah. Also, once the Messiah arrives, the authority whose responsibility is the keeping of the Divine Law, will forever be from the tribe of Judah. Furthermore, the nations of the world will assemble and submit to the Messiah. Since King David was the first king from the tribe of Judah and since the Messiah is to come from the tribe of Judah, for over two thousand years throughout Jewish writings there has been an association of Messiah with Son of David. It is natural to pair the key word Who is Messiah with Son of David and look for the smallest area table produced by ELSs of these two key words. With the expected number of ELSs set to 35, the probability that a text from the ELS random placement text population would produce as small a table as that produced by the Torah is 41.5/10,000. The resulting table is shown on the right. The father of King David is Jesse. This suggests that we pair Who is Messiah with Son of Jesse. The resulting smallest area table is not statistically significant. The expected number of ELSs is set to 50. The cylinder size is 871 columns. The probability that a text from the ELS random placement text population would produce as small a table as this is 24.5/100. Finding by Professor Haralick | The expected number of ELSs is set to 10. The cylinder size is 24 columns. The probability that a text from the ELS random placement text population would produce as small a table as this is 41.5/10,000. Finding by Professor Haralick |
Regarding the etymology of the word Shilo שילה, Rabbi Hirsch explains that it can be derived from the word שול, which is
The second place in the Torah which prophesizes about the Messiah is in Bilaam's last prophecy.
I shall see him, but not now. If the children of Israel are worthy and return to God, the Messiah will come early. I shall look at him, but it is not near. If the children of Israel are not worthy and do not return to God on their own initiative, without prompting from God, the Messiah will come in its time. A star has issued from Jacob. In the first case, the star is the metaphor for the Messiah. And a scepter-bearer has risen from Israel.In the second case, the scepter is the metaphor for the Messiah. The word translated as sceptre is שבט, whose most common meaning is staff, rod, or tribe. The shepherds use a rod to guide and correct the sheep. Psalm 23:4 mentions God's rod and staff.
A scepter is a special kind of staff or rod. A scepter is a staff that is associated with the highest power and majesty. In many kingdoms, the king would hold the scepter. Before a person could speak to the king, the king would give the scepter to the person to hold, temporarily delegating the speaking authority of the king to the speaker. Speaking to the king without the king's scepter was a serious offence and would carry a death sentence. In the religious context, a staff which is a scepter carries Divine authority and creative force. The Midrash Yelamdenu states that
And he shall pierce the nobles of Moab and undermine all the children of Seth. Edom shall be a conquest and Seir shall be the conquest of his enemies -- and Israel will attain success. This verse references the peoples of Moab, Edom, and Seir. These peoples include the Moslems who descended from Ishmael and those that descended from Lot and the Christians who descended from Esau. In the end of days, these are the peoples who will fight against Israel. And it will appear as if Israel is going to lose. But the Messiah, who will have Divine authority, will come. Israel will be successful and all the nations will in the end submit to the Messiah. |
We now add the key word Shilo to the key words Who is Messiah and Son of David. With the expected number of ELSs set to 35, the probability that a text from the ELS random placement text population would produce as small an area table as that produced by the Torah 36.5/1,000.
Torah Codes Download Free
Finding by Professor HaralickTorah Code Download Free Download
Jewish tradition tells of two redeemers: the Messiah, son of David -- of which we have already made reference -- and the Messiah, son of Joseph. The time of redemption begins with the coming of the Messiah, son of Joseph. The Messiah, son of Joseph will prepare the way for the Messiah, son of David. The preparation will be of a political and military nature to battle the forces that oppress Israel.
We therefore explore key word sets that have Son of David and Son of Joseph. Any key word set must contain either Messiah or The Messiah. And it must contain Redemption or The Redemption. The Hebrew word for redemption can be spelled with or without a Vav. There are, therefore, 8 possible key word sets. We show the best table. With expected number of ELSs set to 50, the probability that a text from the ELS random placement text population would produce as small an area table as that produced by the Torah text is smaller than 1/100,000.
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Finding by Rabbi GlazersonAll through the prophets there are statements about the Messiah. The prophet Ezekiel tells us directly that when the ingathering of the exiles takes place that the Messiah will be king of Israel.
/pleomax-f24-driver-download-free.html. My servant David will be king over them [the children of Israel] and there will be one shepherd for all of them. (Ezekiel 37:24)
The next verse we quote tells us that the Messiah will come suddenly, meaning that when he comes people will be so occupied with their troubles that they will not be expecting his arrival.
Torah Bible Code Free Download
Behold, I am sending My messenger, and he will clear a path before Me; suddenly the Lord Whom you seek will come to His Sanctuary, and the messenger of the covenant for whom you yearn, behold, he comes, says Hashem, Master of Legions. (Malachi 3:1)
Isaiah also tells us of the Messiah. We learn from Isaiah his characteristics.
A staff will emerge from the stump of Jesse and a shoot will sprout from his roots. The spirit of Hashem will rest upon him -- a spirit of wisdom and understanding, a spirit of counsel and strength, a spirit of knowledge and fear of Hashem. He will be imbued with a spirit of fear for Hashem; and will not need to judge by what his eyes see nor decide by what his ears hear. He will judge the destitute with righteousness, and decide with fairness for the humble of the earth. He will strike [ the wicked off ] the world with the rod of his mouth, and with the breath of his lips he will slay the wicked. Righteousness will be the girdle round his loins, and faith will be the girdle around his waist. (Isaiah 11:1-5)
Website content by: Rabbi Matityahu Glazerson and Professor Robert M. Haralick